Search operators are special characters and commands that extend the capabilities of regular text searches. Social Animal can be considered a search tool as it searches through its database of over 300+ million articles (with at least a million more added each day) to show you articles with the most engagement for any topic or keyword.

Here’s a list of all the search operators that can be used to refine your results in Social Animal.

1. Exact search

" " - Put any phrase, topic, or keyword in quotes to force Social Animal to show the exact match results.

Here’s how you do it:

Sample keyword: Digital marketing

When you put digital marketing in quotes as you search, you get results that match your keyword exactly.

<aside> 🔎 Here’s how the results might look like if you didn’t try the “exact match search


2. Exclude Terms or Keyword

- Exclude a term or phrase. Put a minus (-) in front of any term (including operators) to exclude that term from the results. Example: Tesla -Elon Musk

Narrow down results using the negative search operator.

3. Get results for multiple keywords

, - Search for multiple terms or keywords. Use commas to separate keywords. Get results for all the keywords that you’ve entered.

Example: cars,phones

Here you can see results for both cars and phones.

4. Filter articles by location